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Learn To Make Pizza And Gelato Like An Italian In Tuscany!

A trip to Tuscany is one of the most coveted and dreamed-about holidays you could imagine. This sun kissed Italian province is renowned around the world for its art, culture, architecture, landscape and, of course, its fabulous food! There’s really no other cuisine more famous and replicated than Italian, and the gorgeous region has plenty of its own specialities and twists on the traditions. In fact, there are many people who come specifically to immerse in the wonderful foodie culture, which is why Tuscany food tour itineraries are so popular.

If you’re planning a holiday to Tuscany to sample as much of the fabulous food and wine as possible, one of the biggest favours you can do for yourself is to book a Tuscany food tour with some hands-on learning – that way you can take the secrets of this delicious cuisine back home with you!

An Unforgettable Culinary Experience

One of the best things about an experience like this is that it’s extremely accessible. If you’re based in Florence, operators offer day or half-day trips from the city to an authentic farmhouse, where you’ll spend the day learning the tips and techniques of the ‘nonnas’ in a truly magical setting. Even the most basic of cooks can take away so much from these kinds of hands-on classes.

Pizza and Gelato: What Could be More Italian?

A cooking class to learn the basics of pizza and gelato making is one of the most popular classes booked by visitors on a Tuscany food tour. Guests have the opportunity to learn the authentic traditional methods of preparing these two iconic staples of local life. For those who want to reap all the benefits without too much effort, this is an ideal choice. We’ve chosen a basic itinerary from a high-quality local operator, to show you what you can expect.

What to Expect

Apart from some delicious food? Well, you can also expect a whole lot of fun with a small and friendly group. You’ll depart Florence for the picturesque drive to a farmhouse in the Tuscan countryside to meet your host chef of the kitchen. Speaking of which, even though the setting and farmhouse are traditional, you can expect a high-tech kitchen with all the mod cons.

After a tour of the kitchen you’ll head out into the farmhouse garden to handpick some of the homegrown produce that will make up your ingredients. You’ll also learn all about the produce and its importance to the regional cuisine. Making Gelato and Pizza

The first task will be to prepare the gelato (for the obvious reason that it needs to freeze) and you’ll be able to choose your own personal flavours to incorporate as you follow the chef’s guidance to prepare it. Then, it’s into the freezer and on to the pizza.

You’ll create everything for your pizza from scratch, including kneading the dough, choosing and arranging the toppings (selected fresh from the garden), and cooking it in the wood-fired oven.

The Final Flourish

You may think the final flourish is to enjoy the finished pizza with a glass of wine – and this is, indeed, your just reward. However, once that’s over, you’ll still have a treat as you learn how to finish off the gelato, with a demonstration of liquid nitrogen from the chefs! (And then you’ll eat it, of course!)

It would be hard to think of a more enjoyable Tuscany food tour than this. It’s literally everything that the region is so famous for rolled into one delicious experience: tradition, culture, good company and authentic cuisine – what could be better?

Author Plate

Mauro Bramante is the Director of WalkAbout Florence, an independent business offering unforgettable tours and excursions around Italy including the best Tuscany food tour itineraries. Whether you want to ride a Vintage Vespa, try the famous Chianti wine or get cooking with fresh local ingredients, Mauro's company promises excitement, adventure and above all, fun. If you're keen to experience the magic of Italy with the help of some passionate and knowledgeable tour guides, look no further than WalkAbout Florence for your next getaway.